Saturday, December 7, 2019
Organizational Behavior and Change Process-Samples for Students
Question: Prepare an essay from attached articles identify difficulty, what the writers are saying, create a view if they agree or disagree, identify basic ideas and state your view. Answer: Organizational behaviour is the process of human behaviour within an organization and discusses about the pattern of behaviour of the employees within that organization. This study of behaviour is done in different levels such as individual level, group level and organizational level and is useful to apply interventions so that the process within an organization and the employee interaction can be improved (Abernathy and Lattal 2014). For every organization, it is important to focus on its organizational behaviour so that employees performance can be influenced. Further, assessment of employees behaviour provides the managers and leaders with a clear idea regarding managing the organization through the implementation of ideas and effective utilization of human resources (Morgeson et al. 2013). The prime purpose of this assignment to discuss several articles regarding organizational behaviour and discuss the difficulty in managing any organization through such interventions. Further, this assignment will conduct a comparative study to discuss the agreement and disagreement of authors of those articles regarding components of organizational behaviour and their implementation. The first article discusses about the prevalent and stagnant as well as dominant nature of the organization that makes the organization complex to manage and difficult to understand (Ghorashi and Sabelis 2013). This situation leads the managers become confused and leads to managerial failure. In such situation they take the help of constricted models to understand the organizational behavior however, through this they are not being able to understand the entire organizations behavior. Further, this articles discussed about the four structural framework which are rooted in social structure as well as managerial knowledge (Westwood and Johnston 2013). Where the structural framework discusses about the architecture of the organization, rules, regulations and policies on the other hand the social construct discusses about the human resource, their strengths and weaknesses and their desires emotions and fears while working in the organization. Further, according to Abernathy and Lattal(20 14), if any process that has been implemented in the organization according to its policy, then it is the duty of the manager to implement several strategies to manage the process. For this purpose, he can also hire consultants so that proper solution to each difficult situation can be achieved (De Vries 2013). Thus author here is of the opinion that the main cause of managerial failure is faulty decision making. So I believe that it is the duty of the managers of the organisation to explore the in depth understanding of the employees and their capacity. This will help to meet the organisational demand while keep the employees satisfied (Seaward 2013). Secondly, managing change and stress was discussed in the chapter with discussion about the internal and external sources that lead to the requirement of change in the process. Further, different change model theories such as Lewins change model theory and Kotters eight step model was discussed along with the dynamic model of resistance to change. There are five key elements that enforces change both internally and externally to an organization. According to Yukl (2012), these forces are market and customer related changes, social and political pressure, the demographical characteristics, organizational crises and technological advancement whereas the internal forces for change are managerial behaviours and employee related problems. In this section as well, the author focused on the holistic approach for change and discussed that to reduce the domination and stress of change management the organization should provide the employees with intervention so that they can reduce their stre ss and help to lead the change process (Cooper and Marshall 2013). The author here is of the opinion in order to avoid frustration and failures; it must be the intuitive capacity of the managers to implement the change management with grace and skills. As per my view, the author was able to connect the change management, behaviour pattern. I think it is the duty of the managers to update themselves with the perspectives of the change management so that they and successfully implement the same. The third article mainly discuss about the external and internal forces that generates the need for organisational change under the light of the Lewin change model and Kotters eight step organisational change. It also discusses about the stress moderates and type A behaviour. While describing the reason for stagnant and dominance and emergence of stress, researchers discussed about the Type A behaviour syndrome and according to that If any person undergoes very strict and chronic and tough struggle, then an action and emotion added behaviour can be observed in that individual. Which is known as the Type A behaviour pattern. This behaviour pattern is the result of obsession of hard work and not related to any psychotic symptoms (Shin, Taylor and Seo 2012). This section of people is open to criticism, harassment, hard mental as well as physical work, positive as well as negative feedback. However, due to such kind of people in any organization, stress and pressure condition increases. For example, if the manager or leader of the organization is a Type A person, then the employees are unable to cope up with the work speed and pressure, leading to change in the behavioural pattern of the organization. Hence, stress reduction techniques should be applied (Gssling et al. 2012). These techniques involves muscle relaxation techniques, meditation between working hours, cognitive restructuring, application of holistic wellness approach, and biofeedback process so that harsh change management process cannot harm the health of the employees. I think more employee interaction and employee oriented fun activities will help in reducing employee stress and thereby helping to optimally implement change management. Fourthly, the author discussed about the mental models that reflect an individuals perspective and reflection about all the surrounding environments and through this model, the author connected the organizational behaviour pattern and change management process. However, these mental models are perception and therefore can be changed (Prochaska 2013). Hence, it is the prime duty of the organization, its leaders or managers to reshape the employees thinking in a way, which is positive for the organization. The author discussed two benefits of the deconstruction of flaws within the mental model. The first one is related to the training and social awareness program and through this the employees will be able to point out the internal industrial needs of the organization (Nielsenand Randall 2013). Secondly, this process can become a diagnostic tool that they employees can identify the potential hazards present in the organization and different unexpected contingencies. Therefore, through these two approaches, the organizational leaders will be able to identify the disasters and eliminate them to create learning and improving condition in the organization. Finally the discussion about complexity of the organization and the difficulty related to management occurred. Employees and their pre-conceived knowledge about process and different theoretical models decide the organizational behaviour pattern (Pieterse, Canilsand Homan 2012). If the thinking of employee and managers working in the organization is narrow, then working in such environment will become depressing and frustrating whereas, broader mindset and approach for work will create a healthy environment and working in such environment will be easier for employees as in change management (Prochaska 2013). Author here mainly focused on the better understanding of poor learning process but does not provides the detailed overview of the internal complications faced by the employees during the learning process. Henc e, according to my view, each organization should broaden its perspective so that achieving change management related targets become easier and through the stress reduction techniques, stringencies and dominance of the organization can be reduced. Further managers and leaders should take four perspectives so that managing the mental model of employees and their preconceptions can be managed (Gssling et al. 2012). In the conclusion, it can be mentioned that organizational behaviour is an important aspect for any organization as assessment of this helps the organization to identify issues that affect the organization to achieve success. However, there are situations that makes the organization stringent and dominant leading to increased harassment and stress among the employees. Therefore application of stress reduction technique should be done to reduce the stress of the organization. Further, the change management process and its consequences were discussed in the assignment. References Abernathy, W.B. and Lattal, D., 2014. Organizational behavior management.The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Operant and Classical Conditioning, pp.645-668. Cooper, C.L. and Marshall, J., 2013. Occupational sources of stress: A review of the literature relating to coronary heart disease and mental ill health. InFrom Stress to Wellbeing Volume 1(pp. 3-23). Palgrave Macmillan, London. De Vries, M.F.K., 2013.Organizational paradoxes: Clinical approaches to management. Routledge. Ghorashi, H. and Sabelis, I., 2013. Juggling difference and sameness: Rethinking strategies for diversity in organizations.Scandinavian Journal of Management,29(1), pp.78-86. Gssling, S., Scott, D., Hall, C.M., Ceron, J.P. and Dubois, G., 2012. Consumer behaviour and demand response of tourists to climate change.Annals of Tourism Research,39(1), pp.36-58. Morgeson, F.P., Aguinis, H., Waldman, D.A. and Siegel, D.S., 2013. 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